Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Life Drawing 27/04/09

Here's some drawings from my most recent life drawing class.

This is a final outcome that I did post class, tightening up one of my drawings and adding some colour.

This was the drawing.

At the beginning of the class I had a pretty crummy view and was sat way too close. So after failing to grasp the whole figure I decided to just focus on small segments and make up some little designs.

(Oh and that leg is not meant to be apart of that hand, it's just an overlapping drawing. She did not have an enormous enflamed hand!)

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Ape Pirate Revisited

Here's a reimagined version of an ape pirate drawing I did a long time ago.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009


Here's my original image with the more traditional colour scheme.

However I think I like this version best, with the flatter, less saturated look.

Possibly an idea for a future print, not sure who would buy it though!